ADEP offers the following services to various stakeholders and organizations within civil society, public and private sector as well as to academia and other learning institutions in Sweden and elsewhere:
Projects and events
ADEP initiates, leads, advises, coordinates and evaluates local, regional, national and international projects and events aimed at sustainable development, i.e a development that is needs-oriented, rights-based, ecologically and economically sound as well as in solidarity with future generations.
ADEP also support organizations writing applications for development projects.
Education, training and communication
ADEP offers lectures, dialogue, education and training in a broad variation of areas (for example peace and development studies, international relations, international development cooperation and human rights), based on extensive experience from universities, schools, social movements and Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida).
ADEP also offers facilitation of dialogue in processes, projects and events.
ADEP offers organizations advice, studies, investigations and evaluations when there are needs of knowledge, understanding, follow-up and policy development in areas that are of concern.
The founder of ADEP is also working with outreach and advocacy through journalism; writing articles and texts in magazines, newspapers and other platforms.
Regarding contracts and agreements
For those who are interested of the services described above, please contact me for a dialogue on contracts and agreements. In some cases I have been employed by organisations if that is required due to legal reasons. However, a contract with ADEP is common when an agreement is made.