
Peer Learning Practioner Program in Västerbotten for Health Workers in Homa Bay County

A team of practioners in the field of youth support and mental health from Region Västerbotten visited Homa Bay County, Kenya in mid-September 2024. The learnings from this exchange were important. A team of practioners from the health sector in Homa Bay County have also been provided with an opportunity to learn about the Swedish system and about how different categories of practioners work for youth health and mental health. The program includes visits and conversations in Umeå, Lycksele and

ICLD International Network Meeting in Nairobi on Equitable Health

On September 25th-27th Local Governments from Sweden, Kenya and Uganda met for learning on local democracy and democratisation in relation to health, and for exchange on experiences from working in projects between local governments in these countries. The meeting was carried out in Nairobi, Kenya. The partners who met were: Region Stockholm, Sweden - Jinja Municipality, Uganda who are working together for improved children health care, Region Norrbotten, Sweden - Kajiado County, Kenya who are working together for women´s health

Gender Based Violence Recovery Center in Machakos, Kenya Officially Opened

August 24th 2024 the gender based violence recovery center in Machakos, Kenya was officially opened. The center was developed within the framework of the project "Action for Gender Equality" - a project that was a collaboration between Robertsfors Municipality, Sweden and Machakos County Government, Kenya. The project was funded by Swedish International Centre for Local Democracy (ICLD) and was carried out during 2017-2021. The project was delayed due to the Corona pandemic, but was finalized with a dissemination conference in

Health and Environment Governance Workshop in Kisumu, Kenya

Once again, representatives for the County Governments of Kisumu, Siaya, Busia, Migori, Homa Bay, Region Västerbotten and the City of Umeå gathered for work in their joint project; Partnership and Governance for Health and Resilience in Relation to Climate Change and Environment in the Kenyan Lake Victoria front counties. This time in Kisumu for a workshop in between other programs in Kenya in which Region Västerbotten are partners. The goals for the workshop were:  To provide an overview on what

Governance for Youth Health in Homa Bay County, Kenya

Once again me and a team from Region Västerbotten, Sweden participated in a program on youth health, especially what is described as the "tripple threat" - gender based violence (GBV), teenage pregnancies and HIV/AIDS in a destructive combination. The partnership also adress mental health among youth as societal challenge. In this program that was carried out September 16th-20th 2024 in Homa Bay County two teams from Region Västerbotten participated in the program. The first team contained representatives for management and

Program in Sweden for Homa Bay County Government Department of Environment

Once again representatives for Homa Bay County Government, and in this case representatives for the Department of Environment, visited Sweden. This time for participation in a program in Stockholm, Uppsala and Linköping meeting representatives for Waste Sweden, Swedish Water, Swedish University for Agricultural Sciences, Swedish Environmental Research Institute, Tekniska Verken and experts on technology for water purification, as well as important peer learning workshops and meeting between member of the Steering Group. The program also provided opportunities for conversations with

What is ADEP - Another Development Perspective?

ADEP is an initiative and a company that promotes another development through projects, education, training, communication, debate and analysis. ADEP works for peace, respect for human rights and sustainable development through democratic, civic and non-violent means.

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