

At a special course, on the summer university, held by the Department of Culture and Media Studies, Umeå University, students were introduced to the postcolonial field. The course were done in collaboration with Ph.D Olof Lönneborg.

Green Solutions – A Seminar for Sustainability

At a special seminar at Sida Partnership Forum November 10-11th, 2009, ADEP contributed with an overview on international debate and research regarding sustainable development and climate justice in the framework of development theory. Participans at the seminar were representatives from private and public sector as well as civil society.

Home – Yann Arthus Betrand

With this film, Yann Arthus Bertrand take the audience to an extraordinary journey throughout the globe. The story that is painted are clear; human civilizations and planet earth is critically ill, but another future is possible if people and societies are ready to change. When the film was shown at a public cinema in Umeå at a week for sustainability in The City of Umeå, I was the moderator in the discussion that followed.

Committment on Climate Change and Justice

As a consultant ADEP worked as a project manager with Sida, NGOs and other development partners for climate justice. A special international conference was held in Härnösand, Sweden may 25-28th, 2009 with participants from Europe, Africa, Latin America and Asia.

Religion and Development

Toghether with other consultants ADEP worked with documentation and analysis of special seminar on religion and development arranged by faith based organization. The seminar were held at Sida Partnership Forum April 2009.

Dialogue and Mediation in Conflicts

ADEP participated in i special course on dialogue and mediation at Folke Bernadotte Academy in june 2009 together with professionals from Asia, Europe, Africa and Latin America.