
Work for Sustainable Cities

Through work with county governments in Kenya and other local authorities in other countries me and partners have been invited to meetings with Council of Governors from Kenya as well as people working in different roles for sustainable cities. The framework is The SymbioCity Approach - a Swedish Government initiative run by Business Sweden and SKL International. It is now well stated that work for sustainable cities is urgent and necessary for reaching global sustainability.

Hard Rain Project

Besides of Whole Earth? Day - held at Umeå University September 18th, 2015, I have also managed other events in the framework of Hard Rain Project which is founded by the photographer Mark Edwards. These events also took place at Umeå University (2010 and 2012) in collaboration with regional organizations as well as Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida). These events have been made possible through the collaboration with Dag Jonzon - an environmental journalist from Sweden.

Training for UN-missions

In a special training at Sida Partnership Forum for junior programme officers (JPO), special assistants to resident coordinator (SARC) and bilateral associate experts (BBE), me and other resouces contributed with knowledge and facilitation for the purpose of capacity building and preparation for work in different UN-organizations; UNDP, UNCT/UNDP, UNHCR, UN-habitat, FAO, WFP, OCHA, UNAIDS and ILO.

Elgeyo Marakwet County and Region Västerbotten

Elgeyo Marakwet County Government, Kenya and Region Västerbotten, Sweden have now finalized an inceptionphase and delivered application to Swedish International Centre for Local Democracy (ICLD) for a three-year project.The aim of the project is to build capacity in both organizations for sustainable tourism. My role during the inceptionphase has been the one of project manager, advisor and facilitator.

Busia Municipality and Robertsfors Municipality

Busia Municipality, Uganda and Robertsfors Municipality have just started a three-year project (2015-2017) funded by Swedish International Centre for Local Democracy (ICLD) on sustainable livelihoods. The collaboration between the municipalities started as early as 2007 working with social and environmental sustainability and with special attention to Education for Sustainable Development (ESD). At this phase of the partnership attention is given to how the municipalities can support sustainable livelihoods. My role is the one of project manager.

Training Practioners and Minor Field Students

For some years, and also at Umeå University on an earlier period, I have been involved together with a team of trainers and teachers in preparatory courses for practioners and minor field students from Swedish organizations and universities at Sida Partnership Forum. It is always a learning experience meeting these people packing their bags going into a fairly new context trying to learn and make difference.